I'm officially "back" home from Vegas! I had an amazing time at the I teach 2nd! Conference! I wish it was longer! My colleaugues and I were able to goto the blogger meet up and there were over 1,000 teachers there!!
Here's some loot I bought back home. A lot of freebies from venders, a nice bag of resources and books including decor for my new classroom. I can hardly stuff my bags into my car!!
Day 1 of stuff. Book bundle from Keynote speaker, first pair of Aerosoles, and stuff from venders
Day 2 stuff. Cute little individual erasers for white boards, little pointers for small group, LEGOS, and stuff from venders
Day 3 stuff. I went a little button crazy... Picked up some decor for my new classroom (can you see my new theme?), some resources (techie book, math talk, spelling centers)
Day 3 stuff from the blogger meetup plus my pampered teacher box! Lot's of Scentos stuff!!
3 bags stuffed with teacher stuff! So glad I didn't fly!!!
Anyways, have a great Sunday. I gotta pack. I have 2 more weeks of summer school until I get my summer "break"
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